Jordan Jankoviak

Cybersecurity Professional

Systems Administrator

Network Engineer

WordPress Developer

Jordan Jankoviak

Cybersecurity Professional

Systems Administrator

Network Engineer

WordPress Developer

Bethel University

  • Created By: Jordan Jankoviak
  • Date: 08/08/2019
  • Client: Bethel University
  • Categories: System Administation
See Demo

While working at Bethel University, I was able to apply my knowledge of system administration on a much larger scale. I was able to work with a new team that not only expanded my knowledge in System Administration, but I was able to work with new products and provide new unique solutions. Some of the ways I was able to contribute there were:

  • Improved disaster and recovery plan by improving backup methods
  • Reduced server infrastructure to reduce costs for the university
  • Improvement of patch management for entire infrastructure

Bethel University